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Is the issue of “hypermasculinity” a psychological problem in our society? The idea is running rampant in institutions such as the Universities. The term refers to the exaggeration of the male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality.
To curb this issue, a university will be hosting what it calls a “Masculinity Confession Booth.” The event will be hosted along a with number of other workshops and screenings meant to combat hypermasculinity.
The description of the event as highlighted by the University of Regina acknowledges that everyone has reinforced hypermasculinity in one way or another regardless of our gender. The Saskachewan, Canada University is inviting students to attend and share their sins so that they can have a productive discussion on how to change their ways.
The events will be hosted by the “Man Up Against Violence” initiative at the University of Regina in Canada. The event dubbed, the Masculinity Confession Booth, will be making its debut on Monday.
The event is also listed on the schedule for Tuesday through Thursday. These are the days on which students can also attend a “Healthy Relationships and Healthy Masculinity Workshop.” The Healthy Relationships and Healthy Masculinity Workshop will also seek to redefine the phrase “man up.”
The Man Up Against Violence initiative seeks to challenge mindsets and behaviors with regard to the social construction of masculinity and its relationship with violence. The information is highlighted in its website,
The initiative also works together to bring light to the causes of all types of violence related to gender, race, socio-economic status, ability level and beyond.
It will also challenge the social norms surrounding masculinity. What a load of shit!
The initiative has made an introductory video criticizing the stereotypical view of men as macho and unemotional, linking this to spousal abuse by asserting that men have violent outbursts as a result of pent-up emotions.
Tyler Perkins, a football player at the University of Regina, says in the video that we don’t have to continue to live in a misogynistic society. The football player also emphasizes that it is upon everyone and especially men.
SOURCE: http://dailycaller.com/2017/03/27/students-share-their-sins-at-masculinity-confession-booth/