By: Lilly Pie | 03-29-2017 | News
Photo credit: @peterhaskell880 | Twitter

8chan Receives an F For Digital Hate From Simon Wiesenthal

This is a huge blow on free speech.

Simon Wiesenthal has revealed the latest report card for social media site and I am going to give their scoring system an F too. 8chan, a site that is popular among conservative was being given an F for "spreading hate". I believe it is okay to give someone a failing review but the logic behind this scoring is terrifying. The team behind this report card were scoring social media base on their willingness to cover up stuff that they don't want to see.

While sites with heavy filters including Facebook, twitter, and Instagram received either an A or a B. You see the trend here? All the polite boys get a gold star while people not afraid to tell the truth get a big F. 8chan may not be as big as the above-mentioned players, but surely it is an important site among the conservative community. After all, it is a site that was created after other social media and forums failed to protect free speech.

You can often find topics and conversations that are important but filtered out from other services. The audiences are the truth seekers who are sick of cover-up and want to contribute in a free space. I bet Mr. Wiesenthal's team haven't even visited the site. I bet the bare mention of the alt-right movement is justified for them to give the site an F.

In the world of fake news and filtering, shouldn't a site that values the truth and freedom of speech be celebrated rather than push down. As always, the mainstream media and the leftists are doing everything they can to silence a certain voice in our country, and this trend is extremely alarming. After all, the foundation of United States of America was built on the presumption of Freedom. And it was being taken away from us in an extraordinary way. Internet should be the last fortress to withhold our freedom of speech so let's all go visit and support 8chan today.

Despite this huge blow to freedom today, things are looking good for the future because we have a fearless leader who is not afraid to tell the truth. I bet President Trump would do everything he can to protect our freedom.


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2 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 2035 2017-03-29 : 20:18

Congrats, goyim! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous No. 2057 2017-03-30 : 12:36

Interesting that 4chan wasn't mentioned, yet l8vechan was.

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