By: Major James Burdock | 03-30-2017 | News

Ivanka is Now Officially Special Assistant to the President

Now, it is official. First came the West Wing office, now comes the formal position for first daughter Ivanka Trump. Ivanka has just announced that she will take an official position in her father's administration. She will serve as a special assistant to the president.Ivanka said that she will not accept any salary, following her father's refusal of any salary. Ivanka said in a statement that the change in her role is in part a response to the views of others raising some concerns on her earlier assignment as an unofficial special adviser to the president. She said that she heard the concerns some have with her advising the president in her personal capacity, even as she voluntarily complied with all ethics rules. Her new role as an unpaid but official employee in the White House office will still follow the same rules that apply to all federal employees. Ivanka also gave assurances that while working out the details of her new role, she was also in close consultation with the lawyers in the White House, as well as her personal lawyer, to address all the legal and ethical issues of her new job. She said again that she is aware that an adult child of a U.S. president taking on a role in the White House has never happened in previous administrations in modern history. It was previously announced that Ivanka will have her own West Wing office and will have her government-issued communication device. She will also be subject to government security measures because she will be able to see confidential state documents. The White House has also said that it is pleased with the new role of Ivanka. It said that Ivanka's service as an unpaid employee is a strong sign of the Trump administration's commitment to ethics, transparency, and compliance.Ivanka's new job will also give her more opportunities not previously open to her to lead initiatives that will inspire real policy benefits for the American public. Ivanka is the most trusted person of President Trump. It has been observed that the president listens to Ivanka's opinions and views starting with the campaign to his amazing victory, and now, his presidency.

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