By: Steve Dellar | 03-17-2018 | News
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Brexit Puts Pressure On Europe’s Bloc (Video)

The ongoing Brexit negotiations are not only putting their full weight on the British government (who has to decide what to do with the issue of the Irish border for example), but also on the 28-member bloc of countries on the continent.

In a week from now, EU leaders will meet to agree on a transition deal to be presented to the UK, and it looks like some cracks are starting to show in the unity of the European bloc.

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For example, Spain, with their national airline Iberia which is owned by the same company that manages British Airways, does not want to see their carrier get into ‘a spot of trouble‘ and is, therefore, signalling beforehand that it would like specific references to aviation put into this agreement.

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Luxembourg, which has a huge banking industry and competes directly with the city of London, wants more detail on financial services.

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European fisheries and agriculture industries could also be given more detail if a preferential deal for UK farmers and fishers would be the outcome.

Whereas the UK has tried from the beginning to play the European nations against each other, this has yielded few results, even though the various British ministers flew off and on to the old continent’s capitals. Now that the final deal is almost on the table, some European industries realize that parts of the UK’s industry will be less regulated and thus, in certain cases, better off. Due to this reason, some unions are sounding more disgruntled by the day.


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Anonymous No. 20815 2018-03-17 : 12:33

Poland is up next if the EU doesn't pay attention

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