After the U.S. airstrike on Syrian airbase last Thursday evening, Russia responded to the US air strikes on Syria by sending a warship to confront American vessels in the Mediterranean.
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin responded with an aggressive diplomatic and military action designed to send a message that Russia is the dominant force in the region, not the United States.
Putin sent his most advanced Black Sea warship Admiral Grigorovich into the eastern Mediterranean late Friday. It is directed to confront with the U.S. Navy destroyers.
Admiral Grigorovich was recently involved in joint naval drills conducted between Russia and Turkey in the Black Sea.
Admiral Grigorovich reportedly left its port in Crimea and headed toward the U.S. destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross, the same ships that began the offensive against Syrian targets.
The 4,000-ton Admiral Grigorovich is said to be equipped with the potentially deadly Kalibr cruise missiles and last night was headed to dock in the Syrian port of Tartus.
Russia is upholding Assad’s regime as a key element of binding together a Middle Eastern influence ranging from Iran to Lebanon. Russia’s military will help strengthen Assad’s air defenses against the United States to prevent further airstrike.
Russia condemned the missile strike as “an aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international law.” Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that the U.S. attack may lead to a military clash with Russia.
Russia is playing a game of chicken hoping that President Trump will blink. It is highly unlikely that the Russian military would want to enter a shooting war with the United States. They will lose that war.
This demonstrates that the Obama administration way to appease with Russia has to lead serious consequences. Further appeasement with Russia should not be on the table.