Following an outlashing from the CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Thursday, the whistleblowing site WikiLeaks has hit back at Pompeo. The CIA Director called a WikiLeaks a non-state hostile intelligence service that had done great harm to our nation’s national security.
WikiLeaks hit back by slamming Pompeo with one of his deleted tweets from 2016 citing the group's work publishing leaked documents from the Democratic National Committee.
Pompeo’s tweet was dated back on the 24th of July 2016. He tweeted saying that if one needs further proof that the fix was in from Pres. Obama on down? BUSTED: 19,252 Emails from DNC Leaked by WikiLeaks. The image of the tweet was shared by WikiLeaks, the site also indicated that the tweet had been sent by CIA Director Mike Pompeo on the 24th of July 2016.
Pompeo, recently a House lawmaker from Kansas was speaking at an event earlier in the day at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, when he decided to be hard upon WikiLeaks, comparing the site's head Julian Assange to the Wizard of Oz, an unimportant man pulling levers from behind the stage. The CIA director went ahead to joke that people from his home state had experience dealing with such characters.
A series of documents has been published by WikiLeaks which it says were taken from a secure CIA server. However, experts agree that the documents do not provide the explosive material that Assange has claimed, the leaks have been a black eye for the agency.
The main focus for the leaks has been on the CIA's hacking operations, but no leaks so far have shown any evidence that intelligence officials acted improperly. Unlike the bulk surveillance used by the National Security Agency, most of the tools referenced in the program can only be used in targeted operations.