A video is of a giraffe poking its head inside a car with an open window and with people inside when all of a sudden an accident occurs is going viral. The window started winding up then the glass became stuck against the animal’s cheek before smashing into pieces with a loud noise, causing the giraffe to flinch and the humans inside the car to scream.
The incident happened inside West Midlands Safari Park in the UK. Park managers said in a statement that they are investigating the incident involving the huge animal and the parked car with people on it.
Park workers immediately attended to the giraffe named Stider whom they cleared after being checked as having sustained no injuries.
Video footage of the incident shows a woman in a silver hatchback laughing as the giant animal poked its head inside the vehicle, while the person recording the footage looks on.
It is not clear from the video why or how the window starts to rise that triggered the little accident. It is not certain if anyone inside the car pressed the window button for the car whether by accident or deliberately. A mobile phone can be seen in the woman’s hand.
As the window glass shatters with a loud noise, the one recording the footage appears to turn away and the woman in her English accent could be heard asking in a concerned tone: “Are you all right?” The pair inside the car then talked about calling someone, presumably a staff of the park. A man then started honking the car.
The Safari Park clarified that it issued guidelines to all visitors on how to feed animals safely. It is not sure why the giraffe went near the parked car, or if the people called its attention or enticed it with food.
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