By: Chris Yalom | 04-25-2017 | News
Photo credit: McDonald's Corporation

McDonald's Learns Dressing Employees in Death Star Uniforms Isn't Good for Morale

Probably the last thing you need when working at a fast food restaurant are savage jokes about your uniform.

McDonald's has revealed its new staff uniforms and not everyone is not excited with the new gray-on-gray design.

It was a big departure from McDonald's classic red and yellow attire. Waraire Boswell who used to work at McDonald's designed the new uniform. Boswell says he wanted to create a uniform that employees would not mind wearing outside of work.

Imagine the feeling of putting on a brand new outfit and feel being the finest of them all and then someone tells you, it does not look so great.

People on social media are not seeing the vision and went crazy over the weekend.

Self-confidence level of McDonald's staff in the USA should have been so all time low because of being mercilessly mocked by people on social media.

The official twitter account of McDonald's has been excited in sharing the photos of the over the past few days but not everyone has been accepting about the new grey look design.

Twitter was active comparing the new gray uniform to uniform in the movie Star Wars.

@fifahzulkifli tweeted, “Hey @McDonalds . About your new uniforms. Did you get your inspiration from the First Order?”

From @max_willson95, he tweeted, “The new uniform for #McDonalds - serving storm troopers on a Death Star in a Galaxy far far away”


Some tweeted that they thought Kanye West designed them.

@kgeich tweeted, “Pretty cool of Kanye to help @McDonalds create new uniforms for their employees”

You said the design is apocalyptic. Like @TheChaviva who tweeted, “As someone who once worked at @McDonalds I can tell you the new uniforms are super sleek, but, well, a bit to #ontrend w/the #Apocalypse.”

Some tweeted that the uniform was something out of the Hunger Games movie.

@BIGGSEXXXY77 posted a picture of the hunger games scene and tweeted, “Meanwhile at new @McDonalds uniform showcase”

Someone even compared the uniform to North Korea’s Kim Jong un's outfit

@kimtish tweeted, “Yknow between the new Death Star McDonalds uniforms and the subliminal MOM in the new Wendy's logo, I'm starting to think capitalism is bad?”

Basically, people are not happy with the gray design. @Stoic123 tweeted, “@McDonalds New uniforms and restaurant look sux… you've lost the mcds tradition the new stores should have neon lights and arches new look sucks”

How about you? Do you like the new McDonald’s uniform?


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