Before he was even elected, President Trump made it clear that he would start restricting federal money to so-called sanctuary cities. The cities responded by pouring millions into legal defense funds for illegal alien criminals. So anyone could guess that Trump would go through with his plans.
Now. Take a look at this piece of work. [point top right].
This is U.S. District Judge William Orrick. He's now super-popular with his liberal friends in San Francisco. He issued a temporary ruling on incredibly shaky legal precedent which slows down the inevitable de-funding of sanctuary cities.
The "Resist" movement is really becoming a pain in the ass for the Trump Administration. The liberal judges must now feel safe enough to put their careers on the line by making such absurd rulings.
Santa Clara County and San Francisco County argued that the de-funding threatened billions of dollars in federal funding for each of them, adding that the move would making it difficult to plan their budgets.
And this guy here… [point top right] This one right here… sided with the Sanctuary cities.
Judge Orrick's ruling sided with San Francisco and Santa Clara. Orrick said that the order attempts to reach all federal grants, not merely the three mentioned at the hearing. The rest of the order is broader still, addressing all federal funding.
In response, the Department of Justice indicated that the city and county's lawsuits were premature. Perhaps they are waiting until California asks the Federal Government for the tens of billions it needs to repair dams and other infrastructure severely damaged by record-breaking rainfall this year.
"On a footnote: It was just discovered that Judge Orrick raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated more than $30,000 to groups supporting him. Sounds impartial to us."