By: Savannah Smith | 05-07-2017 | News
Photo credit: Lightpainter |

FBI Investigating Bernie Sanders' Wife For Allegedly Defrauding Bank

The wife of Senator Bernie Sanders, Jane Sanders, is being investigated for accusations that she defrauded a bank during her time as president to Burlington College. A report released on Saturday said interviews are being conducted by federal investigators.

Sanders served as Burlington College president from 2004-2011. The college ceased operations in May 2016 after failing to fulfill accreditation standards and failing into bankruptcy. During Sanders' term, the school took on $10 million in debt as supposedly as part of a plan to expand the school.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that Sanders has also been accused of falsifying loan documents to expand the grounds of the school in May 2015. The report also said that the FBI and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are now in contact with the donors for the loan whom Sanders had transactions with.

The report also cites one strong example of Sanders' alleged complicity. In a 2010 loan application where Sanders claimed that Corrine Bovie Maietta, the daughter of Bove Restaurant founders in Burlington, had pledged a $ 1 million donation for more than five years. Maietta claimed on the contrary, however, that she made no such promise. She offered rather an unspecified bequest to be paid to the school only upon her death. The FBI has also contacted Maietta's accountant Richard Moss. The FBI is also trying to get an interview with Maietta.

Moss elaborated that it was back in March or April during the tax season that he was interviewed by the FBI. Moss also shared that the FBI also asked him about Maietta's current address and where they could possibly contact her for questions relevant to the Burlington College.

The Daily News Caller Foundation tried to reach out to Senator Sanders to get his side on the matter, but they were unsuccessful. Sanders has yet to give a response. The senator's representative, Jeff Weaver, said in a statement that so far the FBI has not reached to Jane Sanders yet.

It is interesting, though, to know how the good senator would react once he is ready to talk knowing how liberal he is with opinions and views regarding national politics, especially with his criticisms on President Trump.

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anon No. 2760 2017-05-07 : 23:05

If this article is about Jane Sanders, then why does it have a picture of Bernie Sanders?

Click-bait news.

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