It seems like there's no stopping CNN- from its downward spiral, that is. Still pretending to be a news organization, instead of producing in-depth stories, substantive reports, enlightening pieces or coming out with explosive journalistic scoops to beat the competition, CNN would rather focus on another scoop, of the ice cream kind. Way to go indeed, perhaps fast-tracking its full descent.
President Donald Trump has given an exclusive to Time Magazine to cover him at the White House "after hours", accorded them crucial access to see him behind the scenes of his fast-paced presidency and in a more relaxed mood and an environment. The President toured the Time staff around the White House, watched television with them, invited them to sit and dine with him, among others. Time wrote a lengthy piece on their up close and personal interview with the President. CNN 'reported' on Time's coverage of Trump, but singularly focused on a trivial matter, as if it is so significant to Trump's character or to national concern. Sensationalism as its stupid worst.
In what is now being referred to by some as "Ice Cream- gate" treating it to the lows of a scandal, CNN's coverage of Trump's Time Magazine interview highlights their smart "scoop": that Trump received an extra ice cream scoop for his dessert at dinner while all the rest at the dining table got only one scoop. In fact, CNN trumpeted: "Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1- and other top lines from his Time interview."
Such small information about how the President prefers to take his dessert was only a minor detail that the original Time article, in fact, buried deep in the piece "Donald Trump After Hours." Many social media users incredulous with CNN's "quality" of journalism widely shared the atrocious headline of CNN to illustrate how low it has really gotten these days. Even political observers could only shake their heads in disbelief, just when they thought they have seen it all on CNN, the organization surprises them yet again with its journalistic depravity.
Readers of Media Equalizer could not help but air their reactions on CNN 'scoop' as well. One had the perfect sarcastic reply: "Pulitzer coming your way, CNN". Another had a witty "suggestion", too: "I'm thinking we need to appoint a special council to investigate!" ( referring to the 'scandal' why Trump is having two scoops of ice cream while his poor dinner guests only get to have a single scoop!).
Another said that "CNN anchors are certifiably insane after hearing about this "ice cream" gate. Another comment could win an award for sarcasm: " WOW!!!!!!!!! Two scoops of ice cream, those reporters deserve a huge raise! ROFL! And I thought CNN only did fake news, this was really some tough stuff!" One commented, "They've lost it. CNN had lost credibility." Another social media responded to that with: "They've lost their credibility a long time ago. They are just maintaining the status quo."
they have long lost credibility by kissing obama's you know what then hillary's