When whites engage in violent acts against black, almost everyone assumes that it is a hate-based criminal act, but when black engages in violent acts against white, people don’t see any color involved. How come they are not considered as racial hate? Why is there a double standard with media?
CNN’s Don Lemon described the act as “not enough evil” to a report of a mentally disabled white man kidnapped and tortured by a group of four blacks and was aired on Facebook live. Lemon who is black thinks that the young black people had bad home training, yet Matt Lewis commented that the crime was an extreme “evil” in nature.
On twitter, someone commented on Lemon’s comment asking if Dylan Roof is evil or just the victim of bad home training? Dylan Roof is a white man that slaughtered 9 black parishioners during a church service in South Carolina.
The reaction is always different between white on black than black on white crimes. It is easy for media to report violence where whites specifically targeted blacks. The phrase “black lives matter” and “All lives matter” are acceptable but “White lives matter” is forbidden.
This is not to minimize anti-black sentiment in the United States; this is to expose the hypocritical double standards on hate crimes. Black and white victims both deserve justice. White young people who are abused also needs physical and emotional recovery. Hate crimes expose the left-wing and anti-white hypocrisy.
On the other hand, violence is not just about black on white or white on black violence, there is much violence that is emerging like the infamous “knockout games”. "Knockout" is an emerging trend where a group of disturbed teens targets random passersby trying to knock them out with one punch. Teens call this the "one hitter quitter." One teen said they just need to knock their victim out with one blow and take their belongings.
Most incidents have taken place in the New York metro area. Victims can be anyone from elderly men to even mothers with kids.
Some of their victims of the warped game died like 46-year-old Ralph Santiago who was had a broken neck and his head was between two fence spikes. Another is 72 years old, Hoang Nguyen, 72, of St. Louis who died from knockout while walking home from a store in April 2011.
20-year-old Elex Murphy was convicted of second-degree murder and first-degree assault and armed criminal action. He was sentenced to 55 years in prison. Many knockout players who have dodged the law are still planning to play the game again.
Crimes and violence should never be accepted. If we really care about justice, justice should be for all and not just for one color.