By: Savannah Smith | 05-19-2017 | News
Photo credit: Pixxatitude |

WannaCry Ransomware Attackers Demand Payment From Victims

The authorities and cyber security experts are all intensely after those responsible for the WannaCry ransomware attack that led to global cyber chaos last week affecting nearly 150 countries and infecting more than 300,000 computers. Yet the perpetrators of the massive cybercrime appear to be unafraid and undeterred as they show no sign of backing down. They continue to attack, this time focusing their target on their ‘prize’- acquire money and other financial gains from their victims.

Victims of the WannaCry ransomware attack are reporting that the extortionists have sent them a chilling new message. Infected computers have received a pop-up asking users to send the cash to the attackers in exchange for their files.

The message read: “I have already sent decryption keys to many customers who had sent me the correct amount of bitcoin, and I guarantee the decryptions for such honest customers.” Yes, the cybercriminals engaged in highly illegal acts are casually talking about “honest” customers.

The message continued with “Send me a message with your unique bitcoin wallet address an hour before payment. Then you will receive the decryption key more quickly.”

Security expert Thijs Bosschert said the pop-up could have also been programmed to appear at a set point after the malware first launched the attack that infected the computer.

The WannaCry attack continues to spread vicious damage this week with special focus in Asia. Its effect in the West has visibly slowed down, though. The group ShadowBrokers have threatened to release more tools for attacks next month and even issued warnings that new attacks can even be bigger. In a taunting message, the group even said that they will take payments starting next month for monthly releases of computer hacks and vulnerability exploits like the one behind the worldwide hacking wave. The hacker group also issued a threat that they would release compromised data from the international banking network and secret information on the nuclear and missile programs of Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.


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