By: Katherine Davis | 05-22-2017 | News
Photo credit: Tamara Bauer |

13-Year-Old German Girl Is Raped by Immigrants in Her Home

After a 13-year-old girl was raped by immigrants in her home in Schwerin, Germany, Leif-Erik Holm, Chairman of the German right-wing party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany’s Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, is criticizing immigrant crime rates in sex crime statistics, calling for a more open discussion of the issue for the safety of the people and their children. He claims that recent sexual crime statistics in Germany show a disproportionate amount of immigrants and that hiding this issue or pretending it doesn’t exist does not help anyone.

The aforementioned horrific incident occurred in Schwerin, where a 13-year-old girl was raped in her family’s home by two Turkish men, 19 and 31 years old.

The 19-year-old immigrant had contacted the girl online and then forced his way into her home, together with his 31-year-old relative that was visiting from Turkey, on Friday night when the girl was alone at home. They reportedly raped the 13-year-old and only left the house when her mother returned.

They two men are now under investigation for sexually assaulting a minor and an arrest warrant has been issued. The 31-year-old is denying the charges, while the 19-year-old claims consent had been given by the girl.

As a response, Holm is demanding a thorough investigation and severe punishment if the two men are found guilty. He called the crime brutish and unfathomable and says the crime is another sign of the growing immigrant crime problem.

Germany has seen many other incidents of sexual crime since the start of the ongoing European migrant crisis, like the Cologne New Year’s Eve mass sexual assaults and others throughout 2016 and 2017, with many going unreported by the media.


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 3084 2017-05-22 : 21:09

Based immigrants

Anonymous No. 3085 2017-05-22 : 23:27

the 19 year old says that consent was given. by a 13 year old. either way it's still pedophilia and yet they still don't consider them guilty for certain.

Anonymous No. 3087 2017-05-23 : 00:09

No. 3085

How can a 13 year old give reasonable consent to a 19 year old? 13 is to young to give consent.

That is rape.

Anonymous No. 3089 2017-05-23 : 01:42

Using the rape of a child to further racism, pathetic.. but then again rapists and racists, there may be a letter difference but they should both be removed from society

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