President Barack Obama’s final attempt to create a national amnesty for roughly 4 million illegal aliens has been killed off by President Trump’s deputies. The national amnesty, which was dubbed DAPA, has been frozen by the courts since 2016.
The Department of Homeland Security made an announcement late Thursday indicating that on the 15th of June, Department of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, after consulting with the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, signed a memorandum rescinding the November 20, 2014, Memorandum that created the program known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.
DAPA amnesty policy, which was announced by Obama in 2014, had much support from Democrats and ethnic groups, who may ask judges to keep the amnesty alive. This comes just after voters decisively rejected his very unpopular push for the “Gang of Eight” amnesty law, and awarded the GOP 10 extra Senate seats and the Senate majority.
DAPA amnesty consisted of Oval Office instructions to deputies that they should not enforce immigration laws against illegal aliens who had children in the United States, sometimes called anchor babies.
A Texas-based judge, Andre Hanen, blocked Obama’s DAPA promise of work permits for illegals amid a lawsuit by a coalition of Governors and Attorneys General. The national GOP played little part in the lawsuit, titled United States v. Texas. The judge’s order later was backed by a Supreme Court decision in June 2016, in which all four of the Democratic-appointed judges supported Obama’s Oval Office amnesty.
Shortly after Obama announced his DAPA policy, he showed his radical, open-borders ideology by declaring in a Chicago speech that Americans do not have the right to decide who can immigrate to the United States.