In a shocking turn of events, Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz has been deposed as Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, according to a state media report.
In his place, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the son of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will take over the role as Royal Heir to the Throne of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi King has named his son Mohammed bin Salman as Crown Prince, according to Royal Decree published in state media.
Before this appointment, a Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud was the Deputy Crown Prince. Mohammed bin Salman, 31, was also named Deputy Prime Minister and maintains his post as Minister of Defence.
Bin Salman, 31, has been his country's defense minister and deputy crown prince and was credited with a "huge success" for President Donald Trump's recent decision to stop in Saudi Arabia.
The young prince has taken a central role in Saudi Arabia's efforts to build its economy beyond the oil industry. He holds primary responsibility for the kingdom's military and energy sector.
Experts have said that Bin Salman is different than other Saudi leaders in that he had been educated in the kingdom and he wears traditional dress and is popular with young Saudis.
"They see in Mohammad bin Salman someone of their own generation moving up the ladder very quickly. He has a certain degree of popularity. He's also grated a lot of people in the family who see him as abrasive, inexperienced, undisciplined, impulsive," Bruce Riedel, director of the intelligence project at Brookings and former CIA national intelligence officer for the Middle East stated last fall.
You truly are a clueless shit stirrer, if your brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to ruffle your hair