In a shocking display of supervisory neglect that could have resulted in the death of a child a man dangled a baby out of the window of a multiple story high rise building on Facebook Live.
In the post the man captioned the thread “1000 likes or I will drop him” which further implies his obvious neglectful responsibility and disgusting behavior. The man is a close relative of the child.
Thousands of Social Media users from across the globe demanded his immediate arrest. Authorities were able to track him down and take him into custody.
He was charged with endangering the baby's safety for dangling him from a 15th story window and holding onto him only by his t-shirt. It literally makes my knees quiver thinking about the dangers this man put this child in front of.
In court, the man denied putting the child's life at risk falsely claiming the images were altered in social media. The picture was taken in a balcony with protective barriers. These were removed," he was quoted as saying.
Even worse the father of the child claimed that the man was “just playing a game” and asked the court to forgive him.
Fortunately the judge ruled against the man and said that it was painfully clear the pictures were legitimate and the man put the child's life at risk. Thankfully this judge did the right thing to protect other children from ever facing such terror by this evil man.
The Judge ended up sentencing the man to two long years in prison which was the maximum imprisonment time allowed for the charge.
Thousands of people on social media supported the Judge's decision and even more condemned the dangerous acts of this terrible man.
Sentencing should've been to hold him out the same window with slight mod of comment "1000 likes 'and' I'll drop him" :)