By: Red Pill | 06-25-2017 | News
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Hacker Group ‘Anonymous’ Claims NASA Set To Announce Alien Life

The widely known one hacktivist group is now making claims that NASA is poised to announce the existence of extraterrestrial life.

On their website, Anonymous wrote that “NASA says aliens are coming!”

The Hacktivist group Anonymous has based its claims on a number of recent NASA discoveries. They also suggest that certain comments made by a NASA spokesman during a Congressional hearing titled ‘Advances in the Search for Life,’ in April lead them to believe that NASA knows more than they're leading on to at this time.

Renown Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, told the Congressional Caucus that NASA’s current findings, such as the discovery of hydrogen in Saturn’s moon Enceladus and the Hubble team’s research conclusions from the oceans of Jupiter’s moon, Europa, are exciting signs that we’re closer than ever to discovering evidence of alien life.

During the Congressional Committee on American Science, Space and Technology, Zurbuchen stated, “Taking into account all of the different activities and missions that are specifically searching for evidence of alien life, we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history.”

In the above Video, Anonymous goes on to suggest that many past astronauts and space exploration enthusiasts have acknowledged the existence and the knowledge of extraterrestrial life by the United States Government which has simply chosen not to disclose it. They also cited various alien and UFO ‘sightings’ as evidence that “something is going on in the skies above”.


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Anonymous No. 4271 2017-06-25 : 16:55

“NASA says aliens are coming!”

Scientology bosses shit themselves in disbelief

Tom Cruise masturbates insanely

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