By: Aggregator | 04-11-2019 | News
Photo credit: fox

Live Updates: Assange Arrested

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Kenneth Colakovic No. 94023 2019-04-11 : 20:33

freedoms martyr of the information age

MAG001 No. 94028 2019-04-12 : 02:28

You must have noted the difference between people who investigate and report the truth and people who spin lies and corrupt the truth - you must have realized that it pays to be a dirty rat liar at the police state's beck and call versus exposing the skullfuckery of criminal cabals masquerading as legitimate government. This is why Anderson Cooper lounges in luxury while Julien Assange suffers for us all, that we might know the truth....

Anonymous No. 94030 2019-04-12 : 11:16

Yes, but this site has been cutting through most of the BS, and getting to the truth.

Fuckis No. 94032 2019-04-12 : 17:43

CIA double agent, not a hero

Allen No. 94054 2019-04-15 : 20:14

This is good. Now when he is under oath he can answer if it info gotten from Seth Rich or the russians. Who wants to bet he dies in custody beforehe can testify? Who actually is holding him? White hats or black hats.

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