Was it just a nervous blunder and miscalculation in a moment of panic? Or is she really that clueless? Could it be she is so ‘talented’ she could make such a mind-blowing exaggeration? Californian congresswoman Maxine Waters made the improbable claim that 700,000,000,000- yes 700 billion- people will be harmed if Senate Republicans repeal and replace Obamacare.
Waters gave that unbelievable figure and that outrageous claim during an evening appearance on Wednesday evening on MSNBC while making a reference on what she believes will be the impact of the replacement healthcare bill on Kentucky.
Chris Hayes asked Waters about the White House claim that the Republicans’ new health bill can cut costs and increase coverage, and the lawmaker answered: “Well, that’s just not true.”
Then she offered an explanation and that’s when she lost everyone. Waters said: “Take, for example, the state of Kentucky. Almost one-third of those people in that state are covered by Medicaid, and so they’re talking about eliminating 700 billion”, she said, and in perhaps an indication of panic, looking off camera, as if seeking confirmation, before adding, “in, uh, Trumpcare bill.” Waters went on to conclude: “And so that’s no way that they can say that they’ll do more coverage than Obamacare, and so I don’t really know what they’re talking about.”
Truth is, the Congressional Budget Office claims only 22 million people- certainly not 700 billion- will lose health care coverage if Obamacare is repealed as reported by CNBC- and that’s not taking into consideration yet the counter benefits of the replacement bill.
But how could have Waters come out with the 700 billion people? Was she on something when she said that? How could she miscalculate that bad? Even if she includes the almost one and half billion population of China, even add the total population of almost equally large India with also an almost one billion and a half population, it will still fall short than the out of this world 700 billion claim of Waters. In fact, even if she includes all of the world’s population, it would only come about to less than 8 billion people all in all.
Either Waters is really clueless on what she’s talking about or in the rush to discredit rival Republicans, she was caught in a most glaring, outrageous and extremely embarrassing for her kind of lie.
700 Billion, though. Hahaha, mot even in 50 years or 100 can the world reach that pop.
And how many lies, exagerations and miscalculations, etc has your beloved chump made? Can YOU even count them, well?