By: Anonymous | 07-01-2017 | News
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Promises Kept! President Trump Sends Feds to Chicago

President Trump made several promises along the campaign trail in which he intends to keep. One of those promises was to the African American community and to the residents of inner cities that he would cleanse the crime which has ridden the streets with fifth.

Violence has never been higher in places like Chicago, which has been dubbed as “Chiraq” due to the extreme violence occurring daily.

The city saw a surge in gun violence just last year in 2016 with 762 murders, 3,550 shooting incidents, and 4,331 shooting victims. That's higher than it's been in two decades.

The amazing part of the increased violence is that Barack Obama came from Chicago before his Presidency. He automatically assumed he could garnish the black vote but he did nothing for the people back home during his eight long years in office.

The black community is upset and feel anguish at this. Democrats have baited them with with rhetoric and promises and nothing has been changed.

During the campaign season then Candidate Donald J. Trump asked the people to give him a chance, saying “What have you got to lose?”

They did give him a chance, and now he's going to fulfill his promises unlike the broken promises of Democrats over the last five decades.

President Donald Trump announced today that he was sending Federal Agencies to assist in fighting crime in Chicago that has reached what most consider "epidemic" proportions.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said today he will be sending Federal Agents into Chicago with the intent to draft plans to prosecute firearms cases aggressively to the fullest extent of the law.

Trump tweeted this morning that, "Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help. 1714 shootings in Chicago this year!"

The President recognizes Chicago's violent crime rate which continues to claim innocent victims and terrorize the residents who live in the communities. In January he said that the high crime rate in the third-most populous U.S. city was complete "carnage."

The newly agreed upon Federal Assistance will be coming in the form of the Chicago Crime Gun Strike Force, a joint collaboration between the Police Departments in Chicago and the Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The new crime fighting organization will include top brass from the local departments, elite and veteran police officers, federal agents, and specialized intelligence analysts.

They will work together in order to end the supply of illegal guns throughout Chicago and target repeat gun offenders as federal criminals. They will be relentless in saving lives and restoring Chicago to its former glory of a booming blue collar city of pride and character.

"The Trump Administration will not let the bloodshed go on; we cannot accept these levels of violence," Sessions said in a statement on Friday afternoon. The Attorney General went on to say the group became operational on June 1st.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said, “It will significantly help our police officers stem the flow of illegal guns and create a culture of accountability"for the gangs that drive violence in the city.”

Earlier this week Chicago police announced the Justice Department via the ATF has sent a mobile ballistics lab and it has arrived in the city to help process shooting scenes.

Adam Collins, a spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said, “Six months ago we made it clear that we would welcome additional federal support, and six months later we appreciate the 20 new ATF agents that are now arriving,"

Already in 2017 the number of shootings and shooting victims include 320 murders. There have been a total of 1,703 shooting victims this year as well. Chicago was wounded, very badly, but the Trump. Administration intends to treat those wounds.

President Trump will now guide law enforcement down the past of “Making Inner Cities Great Again”, with ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’.


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 4570 2017-07-01 : 02:42


Make America Great Again No. 4573 2017-07-01 : 03:48


Anonymous No. 4574 2017-07-01 : 04:20

Make Chicago White Again

Anonymous No. 4578 2017-07-01 : 04:38

promises, promises alwaya promises

chicago asked months ago for help, trump ignored till now

MAGA, mmm Millionaires Are Greedy Always(B versions worse)

MCWA? what, you mean put modern day versions of capone back in? haven't they got enough problems, scumbags come in all colors

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