Raging protesters at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany prevented First Lady Melania Trump from leaving the guest house she was staying in on Friday. As a result, the First Lady missed the spouses program where the spouses were supposed to go on a tour of the city hosted by German Chancellor’s husband, Joachim Sauer. It would have also included a visit to a center for the study of climate change.
Melania also missed the historic first handshake between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin due to the violent protests happening right outside her residence.
Stephanie Grisham,the spokeswoman for the First Lady, described the incident as “unfortunate” and shared that the local police was unable to clear the area in time.
The summit has already had multiple violent clashes between local security and police officers on one hand, and demonstrators and protesters on the other. At 3 am local time in Hamburg, it was estimated that around 200 people were already filing on the streets triggering confrontation with the police. After President Trump’s arrival on Thursday, the count of injured police officers has reached 111, while 29 civilians have also suffered from injuries, after a demonstration that involved more than 10,000 people, turning the streets in Hamburg practically into a warzone.
44 people have been detained as the demonstrators tried to disrupt leaders’ arrivals.
The First Lady later tweeted: “Thinking of those hurt in #Hamburg protests. Hope everyone stay safe.”
Even President Trump’s armored car known as “the beast” had to take a detour when entering the city.
There are 19,000 police officers deployed to manage security at the summit, but they are still asking for reinforcements due to a number of incidents happening at the same time.
Of course, when your handlers forget to make early reservations for the POTUS/FLOTUS and all the other countries buy up entire floors and hotels you have to take whats left!! Way to go guys, so much for security!!
hey, be fair, you can't do proper security when the fool your supposed to protect keeps changing his plans. blame hippopotus for being a dick
Barrack Obama was supposed to make reservations on behalf of the incoming administration several months BEFORE the inauguration. In spitefulness He chose not to! By the time inauguration occurred there were NO AVAILABLE hotels / accommodations available at all! the Trumps were blessed to find far away crappy accommodations at all.
most protesters are normal, it's small roving bands of anti-capitalists causing most issues. looks like trumps master putin is successfully keeping everyones focus away from the lord and traitor meeting