By: Red Pill | 07-18-2017 | News
Photo credit: Rene Jensa |

Ohio Police Exhume Human Remains Believing Mother Buried Child In Backyard

In Carlisle, Ohio, a local physician's office allegedly contacted police about a mother who they believe possibly buried her child in her backyard.

Carlisle police and Warren County Sheriff’s deputies then dug up the remains of an infant in the backyard of a residence in the 100 block of Eagle Ridge Drive.

Lt. John Faine from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office said that the remains were then taken to the Miami Valley Regional Crime Laboratory for analysis and further investigation.

Investigators believe the child's remains were buried for “maybe 10 to 12 weeks,” but the final determination will come from the Warren County Coroner's office after they've completed the proper scientific testing to date the remains and determine a cause of death.

Lt. Faine said initial reports from the physician's office led the investigators to believe the remains would be from the stillborn baby, but Warren County Coroner Dr. Russell Uptegrove said it’s far too early to determine whether human remains unearthed by authorities are from a stillborn baby or not.

Local news agencies are refusing to name the woman as she hasn't been charged but they are suggesting she is 18 years of age.

Lt. Faine said that the Sheriff's Office may never know if the child was alive or stillborn at the time of the burial, but investigators will likely refer the woman for a psychiatric evaluation whole prosecutors mull over potential charges


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