By: Katherine Davis | 07-26-2017 | News
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8chan Account Officially Verified on Twitter

Last week, the 8chan Twitter account @infinitechan was finally verified and received its blue check mark. At almost 20k followers and after more than 3 years, it feels like it was about time. Still, the verification comes as a small surprise, considering Twitter's questionable administration that shows clear preference and bias to people they agree with and their tendency to remove and censor things they don't like.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Either <a href="">@Cloudflare</a> is having a brain fart or we finally got to the galactic shitposting audience. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 8chan ( (@infinitechan) <a href="">July 18, 2017</a></blockquote>

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The purpose of the blue badge, as defined by Twitter, is to confirm the authenticity of accounts that are of public interest. As a known imageboard with hundreds of thousands of users, it seems Twitter couldn't help but acknowledge the public interest in 8chan – even if it might not be the kind of account they would usually do any favors to.

In fact, the @infinitechan account had been temporarily suspended in the past, just like many other outspoken accounts that stated facts some people find inconvenient. If you tweet something that bothers someone in the administration or even someone who might just be friends with someone in the administration, a temporary suspension can hit your account real fast – or worse, even a permanent ban.

A verified account can also lose the verified status for those same reasons. It's no sure way to be protected from Twitter's censorship.

But, knowing the 8chan account, there is no reason to believe that any changes will be made to the content it tweets, verified account or not.


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