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Dogs are man’s best friend- and young girls’ fierce protectors in times of danger. A dog has saved a girl from possible abduction in Virginia when the pet bit a man who grabbed its young owner.
The 10-year-old girl was walking her dog in Woodbridge when an unknown man grabbed her by the arm on Friday afternoon. The Prince William County police made the report in a Facebook post.
Prince William County police spokesman Sgt. Jonathan Perok says that the dog came to the girl’s rescue when it bit the man’s arm forcing the suspect to release the girl from his grip, and run away.
The girl was fortunately not injured, and likely saved from what could have been a bigger harm if her dog did not save her.
Authorities tried to track down the man with the help of a K-9 to arrest him but were not successful in finding the suspect. The police have vowed to continue with the investigations as the man continues to pose a danger to residents, especially vulnerable children.
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The Facebook post has garnered 327 reactions and 476 shares as we update this story. Many expressed relief that the girl is okay and saved from what could have turned out to be a dangerous situation. A lot of those who gave their comments also had nice words and praises for the bravery and little heroism of the dog.
One commented: “Dog saved her life!” Another said: “Scary stuff, good job doggie and steak for a week.” One was all compliments for dogs as she wrote: “Dogs are awesome they protect their loved ones especially children.” One is certainly mad at the attacker: “Jesus, I really hope he gets caught. I hope the dog gave him deathly infections.”
Many commented why the dog’s breed was not mentioned in the report as they felt it was an important detail, or else they were just curious on the breed of such a brave, alert and protective dog.
One expressed concern about the presence of Hispanics in her area, just near where the attack happened. She said: “Sadly, this is just up the street from me. There are so many Hispanic men walking up and down all of these streets and we have about eight living directly across the street from us. Many are undocumented and they come and go.”
The suspect is described as Hispanic male, of unknown age, about 5’3”, 145 lbs with a thin build, short brown hair and a goatee. He was last seen wearing a white striped shirt and light colored long pants.
Anyone with any information and useful tips on the identity and whereabouts of the suspect is encouraged to contact the Prince William County police immediately.