By: Earnest Jones | 10-31-2017 | News
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Milo Yiannopoulos Scheduled to Deliver a Speech in California Campus

The right-wing firebrand, Milo Yiannopolous, is scheduled to make an appearance at a Southern California college campus this evening. There are also students that are busy planning a unity party demonstration that is intended to offset what the claim to be Milo’s odious pomposity. In the meantime, the campus police are busy preparing for the violence.

The speech is estimated to attract a crowd of around 800 people with an unknown number of protestors also expected to appear. A word of warning has been issued by Cal State Fullerton Campus police, they’ve prohibited masks and face paint, allowing only ticketholders to get to attend the event.

The appearance comes shortly after a series of appearances that had been canceled by Yiannopolous in Arizona, and the University of California Berkeley in September. However, this is not the first time that Yiannopoulos’ speech has been canceled. Sometime last February, Cal-Berkeley police canceled Yiannopoulos' scheduled speech on campus just before it started, as they cited security concerns.

The event took a different turn after a large crowd gathered outside the premise and then the peaceful demonstration turned violent when dozens of black-clad anarchists appeared and attacked some demonstrators and later vandalized some businesses near the campus.

Fortunately, Cal State Fullerton is not like Cal-Berkeley which is known to be a hotbed of political activism. Nonetheless, there has been a considerable increase in demonstrations and rallies over the last year.

The institution's Republicans decided to invite Yiannopolous in a bid to draw attention to free speech and the presence of politically conservative students on campus.

"We really just felt left out of the conversations on campus as conservatives and bringing him has really started this conversation about free speech," said Brooke Paz, a spokeswoman for the group.

One of the organizer for Students for Quality Education, Brittany Goss, revealed that she wishes that the school did not allow the event, which has prompted a recreation center and a campus bookstore to shut-down.


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