By: Steve Dellar | 11-03-2017 | News
Photo credit: Pablo Hidalgo |

India: 3 Hour Gang Rape For 19 Year Old

Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi is a superstar in the west. He is credited with opening up his country to foreign investment and regulating a wobbly economy.

After taking on the black money in India by replacing some of the most used paper currency and insisting that everyone takes a bank account, might this writer advise him to take on one of the more pressing issues in India now: the incredible amount of rapes performed on young girls.

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Reports are coming out of Bhopal, India, where a 19-year-old student girl was tied up to a tree and gang-raped for three hours by several men. The predators took turns and repeatedly assaulted her under a bridge in the heart of Bhopal.

The poor girl was able to make her way to a police station afterward, but in a shocking display of how much the rape culture is ingrained in Indian culture, it has become known that three police stations refused to take her complaint. In fact, one of the police officers said that she was "coming with a filmy story".

During the rape, thousands of cars passed the spot where the event took place and no one came to her rescue.

The police report which was eventually made after the girl was able to point out the rapists who were standing sipping tea some 500 meters from the police station, noted that around 7 pm, a man now identified as Mr. Golu Bihari Chadhar (an infant murderer out on bail no less) grabbed her by her hand. Together with two friends he tied her to a tree and started raping her.

The mother of the victim, who also works for the police, told the story to the local press: "While coming from Habibganj, my daughter saw two of the rapists loitering in front of Mansarowar Complex, which is around 500 meters from the spot of crime."

"It's one of the worst experiences of my life. If I, as a policewoman, have to face such problems in filing my daughter's gang rape complaint, I can't imagine what a common man goes through."


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