It's not much of a surprise that an American toy company would further virtue signal to the degenerate left.
Mattel, the major toy maker behind Fisher Price, Tyco, The Learning Company; and just a staple of American life for nearly a century has now decided it will avoid continuing the pattern its founders set forth when the company first launched in 1945.
Now here we are in 2027 and the company is bringing forth a Muslim, Hijab wearing Barbie.
Yes, the same company which made picture frames and dollhouse furniture for little girls after World War II in America is now pushing a Radical Islamic indoctrination of children.
I'm absolutely serious.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you <a href="">@Mattel</a> for announcing me as the newest member of the <a href="">@Barbie</a> <a href="">#Shero</a> family! I’m proud to know that little girls everywhere can now play with a Barbie who chooses to wear hijab! This is a childhood dream come true 😭💘 <a href="">#shero</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Ibtihaj Muhammad (@IbtihajMuhammad) <a href="">November 13, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
The Barbie is designed after professional fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad, to resemble her in her fencing attire.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We are so excited to honor <a href="">@IbtihajMuhammad</a> with a one-of-a-kind <a href="">#Barbie</a> doll! Ibtihaj continues to inspire women and girls everywhere to break boundaries. <a href="">#Shero</a> <a href="">#YouCanBeAnything</a> <a href="">#GlamourWOTY</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Barbie (@Barbie) <a href="">November 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
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I genuinely wonder what the purpose here is?
Could it be that the goal is to force little girls into accepting Sharia Law?
Could it be to normalize the concept of flooding America with Islam?
There's really not a legitimate reason why this would happen in America, where the Muslim population doesn't hold a majority.
Next, they'll start producing Allah al Akbar Ken dolls that wear suicide vests.
The insanity is real. The threat is real. America has been hijacked by evil globalists and yes that includes our very own corporations.
For the people that don't think identity politics or the culture war is important, you're blind.
Now it's more important than ever that we prevent this madness from continuously spreading. You give them an inch and they take a mile.
In this case, they're trying to manipulate the minds of your children, and change the destiny of our society.
I for one will not be buying toys from any of the companies under the Mattel umbrella after this, and if you'd like to see a list of those toys you can visit the<a href=""> Mattel Wiki </a>to see which products are made by their corporation.
This is an absolute slap in the face of America, and the founders of Mattel who would roll in their grave if they saw this disgusting doll being put forth to American children.
—<i>[email protected]</i>
<i>On Twitter:</i>
<a href="">@IWillRedPillYou</a>
Tips? Info? Send me a message!
"That is a fencer outfit from the Olympics. Look at the helmet, the rapier! Oh my god, are people this damn stupid??"
Fencers do not wear a scarf or hijab to fence. Olympic fencing garb does NOT include a hijab. You suggest it is standard equipment. No. Wrong. Peddle your leftist idiocy elsewhere.
That is a fencer outfit, it is NOT a hijab, it is just a head cover for protection. See the helmet she is holding? Other than that, I dont see anything wrong if the did make a hijab barbie. Little girls like to play with dolls that look like them. Not the kids fault where they are living.
They gave her the wrong kind of sword, that's not something you behead people with.
That is a fencer outfit from the Olympics. Look at the helmet, the rapier! Oh my god, are people this damn stupid??