By: Savannah Smith | 11-14-2017 | News
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CNN Slammed for Imposing Its Liberal Views on Texas Casualty Count

The news organization President Donald Trump once described as “Fake News Network “or FNN instead of its real name CNN is under fire again for one of its reports. While Texas authorities confirmed that the number of people killed in last week’s harrowing Sutherland Springs church massacre is 26, for CNN it was only “25 plus an unborn child.”

Was such claim CNN’s way of sticking to its commitment of so-called “accuracy” or was it a way to impose in their reports and on the public their liberal views by not counting an unborn child a full casualty of the attack, and not regard the baby a full person status?

In any case, the network is being slammed for taking the liberty to adjust its victim total count after learning that Texas included in its victims list the unborn child of Crystal Marie Holcombe, 36, who was pregnant when she was killed on November 5 by the gunman who madly opened fire against churchgoers.

Acting as if they have the monopoly of truth and accuracy, CNN liberally changed their report to say in a tweet that the death toll is “25 people and an unborn child.”

Social media users would have none of CNN’s version, however, as they quickly slammed the network for their imposed version, and insisted that they call is as it is- 26 victims.

One user commented: “That’s 26, you biased fake news organization.” Another said: “That’s 26 people, @cnn. Don’t be obtuse.” Someone also added: “I’ll give you credit for “unborn child” but the true number is TWENTY-SIX.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That&#39;s 26, you biased fake news organization. 😒</p>&mdash; Joan Martin (@JWMartinGoNoles) <a href="">November 13, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That&#39;s 26 people, <a href="">@cnn</a>. Don&#39;t be obtuse. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jason M. Kates (@JasonMKates) <a href="">November 12, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I&#39;ll give you credit for &quot;unborn child&quot; but the true number is TWENTY-SIX.</p>&mdash; Medusa&#39;s Child (@ProfCatHerder) <a href="">November 13, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The National Conference of State Legislatures said that Texas and 22 other states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of gestation.

CNN spokesperson Matt Dornic explained why their network came out with such a count in their report. He said: “It was an effort to reconcile our news-gathering efforts, which identified the names of the 25 victims, with the 26 number released by authorities. And also to be specific as possible for our global audience.”

Describing feticide victims has long been a bone of contention between pro-life and pro-choice advocates. Pro-life advocates believe that they should be included in homicide counts while pro-choice supporters insisting that doing so puts states “on a slippery slope toward outlawing abortion.”

Most mainstream media outlets stuck to following the official count of Texas and used “26 “ in their reports including ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and the Associated Press. Even The New York Times and Washington Post also followed 26, even with questions on their past or prevailing biases for liberal views.

Trust CNN to always be the card-carrying bearer of liberal views, biased news, no matter if such would hurt their credibility- or what’s left of it.


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