By: Red Pill | 11-28-2017 | News
Photo credit: KTLA

Corey Feldman Needs Help to Reach his New Goals, Expose Hollywood Pedophilia!

Corey Feldman, the notorious child star who's made headlines for decades now with his classic appearances in film, also has a story to tell the public.

As we've all heard in recent years, Corey Feldman has bravely stood up to the elites in the entertainment industry in attempting to expose the child sexual abuse that he and his lifelong best friend Corey Haim (now deceased, rest in peace) suffered from in Hollywood.

On countless occasions throughout the years, Corey Haim has stood up and gone forward to tell the world about his experiences, as well as expose the secretive and well-protected existence of pedophilia inside of Hollywood, only to receive backlash and be shunned by those within the industry.

Corey Feldman has since bravely stood up to those who would attempt to cut him down, holding true to his faith in God and passion for living despite being reminded of the traumatic experiences he underwent early in his career.

As most know, Corey began a campaign recently on Indiegogo to raise the necessary funds in order to provide a safe and secure environment for his loving family; and to produce a film that he could self-promote in order to tell the tales which haunt his nightmares.

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Much of America has stood by Corey, through donations and assistance; but it seems as if the outpouring of support has almost ended.

No major financial backers have jumped onboard the campaign as of yet; almost as if there's an intentional blacklisting occurring to prevent Corey from reaching his goal.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">IN CASE U MISSED IT, THE WAR HAS BEGUN, IF U FOLLOW ME, HELP ME: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) <a href="">October 25, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Now Corey has decided to further reduce that goal, in spite of the threats made against him and his family, to try to tell his story.

The campaign desperately needs donations, if not from you or your friends but from wealthy investors to really give it the boost it deserves.

There's a serious possibility, that somehow pressures from the elite community has prevented others from donating.

As a result Corey has also launched a GoFundMe as well.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hi Everyone,<br><br>We have uploaded a new video with more information about what we&#39;re d… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) <a href="">November 27, 2017</a></blockquote>

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While Corey ultimately welcomes all donations, if you can give, please, consider doing so.

Time is of the essence here, for Corey has already faced-down serious adversity including risks to his own life.

They want to silence him before he can succeed.

Do your part, spread this message,<a href=""> the link to Corey's Indiegogo campaign</a>, this article, <a href="">the link to his new GoFundMe campaign</a>, his video, and the promise of exposing the elite Hollywood pedophile circuit once and for all.

Everything helps. Save the children. Help Corey Feldman to tell his story to the world.

God bless.

—<i>[email protected]</i>

<i>On Twitter:</i>

<a href="">@IWillRedPillYou</a>

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Anonymous No. 12824 2017-11-28 : 02:09

Save The Children

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