By: Steve Dellar | 11-28-2017 | News
Photo credit: @info7mty | Twitter

Woman Chops Off Man’s Penis With Garden Scissors

Miss Brenda Barattini, a 26-year-old Argentinean architect, is accused of cutting off a man’s penis in a rage during a sex attack. She allegedly used garden shears to chop it off. Auch.

The victim, known only as Sergio F, 40-years-old, claims that it happened during a sex game between the two, whilst Miss Barattini states Sergio sexually assaulted her and she defended herself.

The man was immediately rushed to hospital after police and emergency services arrived at the scene. Sergio is said to be in ‘stable condition’ but unfortunately any attempt to re-attach his penis has failed.

Miss Barattini’s lawyer, Mr Carlos Nayi, explains what happened: “There’s justification for what happened. The information I’ve received is that she was the victim of a sex attack.”

“She let him into her apartment because he’s someone who’s in a rock band and is an acquaintance of her brother but once inside, instead of removing a musical instrument as he was supposed to, he attacked her sexually and she assumed a defensive attitude.”

“Whether or not she acted excessively is for the courts to decide.”

The lawyer representing Sergio on the other hand, Mr. Eduardo Perez, tells another story: “I don’t understand what’s happened. This is someone I’ve known for some time. This was a peaceful encounter.”

“They were in the middle of things. He wasn’t asleep. They began with a sexual game in which he was blindfolded. There is evidence that was at the crime scene.”

The State prosecutor, Ms. Bettina Croppi, refuses to rule anything out at this point, only admitting that the injuries that Sergio suffered are indeed ‘very serious.’

Ms. Croppi: “It’s very likely he’s lost the ability to be able to father children.”

“What I can say is that the man wasn’t tied up when police arrived. He was helped by neighbors first and then by paramedics who arrived after the police.”


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2 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 12846 2017-11-28 : 09:58

A spainish Bob-be-toe

Anonymous No. 12855 2017-11-28 : 10:21

eeeeehhh ouchhhhh!!!!

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