By: Anonymous | 10-02-2016 | News
Photo credit: Flicker Brett Weinstein

Leaked Hillary Audio Demonstrates Her Nasty Attitude Against Voters

The leaked audio of Hillary Clinton's derogatory comments about Bernie Sander's supporters reveal how condescending and nasty she could be.

 Republic nominee Donald Trump makes an appeal to voters to see Clinton's " insults" against particular voters for what they are, as he refutes Hillary's description of Sander's and his own supporters, both of whom Trump believes Clinton have disparaged.

 " Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie Sander's supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement-dwellers. Then of course she thinks people who vote for and follow us are deplorable and irredeemable. I don't think so.", Trump said.

Washington Free Beacon earlier this week released the audio which was recorded in a Virginia campaign fundraiser event in February which Clinton was attending, at the height of the Democratic primary when Clinton and Sanders were locked in a neck and neck battle. Mrs. Clinton was heard speculating that it was sheer frustration that was driving young voters to Sander's side then.

" Some are new to politics completely. They're children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents'  basement. They feel they they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don't see much of a future.", Hillary Clinton said.

Trump also said in a tweet that " crooked H is nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors" while his campaign manager asked on Twitter " who else does HC ridicule behind closed doors for $$$?".

Since losing to Clinton, Sanders have of course thrown his full support to Hillary. A move which Trump feels is very wrong.

" Bernie Sanders could have left a great, great legacy had he not made the deal with the devil. He really would have left a great legacy, had he just walked away.", Trump said.

 Trump emphasizes to American voters what sets him apart from Clinton. " Hillary is an insider fighting only for herself and for her donors. I am an outsider fighting for you."

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