By: Steve Dellar | 12-07-2017 | News
Photo credit: Marceleihcu |

Coming Soon: The Pikachu Movie With Ryan Reynolds

Following the success of other motion capture movies such as Avatar (2009) and the Planet of the Apes series, and live-action movies as the Jungle Book remake in 2016, Nintendo has agreed to lend it’s most popular character, Pikachu for a motion capture movie coming out in 2018.

And according to Hollywood sources, Ryan Reynolds has just signed up to play the leading role. Yes, he’s really going to catch ‘em all.

Reynolds is set to star alongside Justice Smith, the young actor about to appear in the next Jurassic Park movie.

But hold on, it’s not just a simple Pikachu movie, it’s Detective Pikachu (made from a video game that was only brought out in Japan), and in that game, Pikachu can actually talk, which is why they needed a Hollywood actor. If he didn’t talk, the character would just need to make “PIKA” noises, and we’re guessing that any computer copier can do that with the sounds from the cartoon.

As everyone by now will know, Pikachu is a species of Pokemon. Detective Pikachu however, is a peculiar sort from the Pikachu set, a self-styled investigator who is good at finding things. The story will start when Justice Smith's character's father is kidnapped, and the teenager will form a team with Detective Pikachu to find him back.

Nintendo has high hopes for the movie project, certainly if you take into account that the Pokemon franchise has sold 300 million video games worldwide and is now an animated series spanning 20 seasons.

Fans are reacting happily to the news that Ryan Reynolds has signed up, stating that his Deadpool character is already legendary while they are hoping he will do the same for Pikachu.

The late Robin Williams was in fact always Nintendo's choice to play Professor Oak. There is so far no word as to whether or not Oak will appear in the film.


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Anonymous No. 13477 2017-12-07 : 10:53

Pika ?

Anonymous No. 13482 2017-12-07 : 11:28


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