The first Democrat to win the state of Alabama in 20 years, has come forth with statements of unity that is likely to send shockwaves through the political spectrum of the left, with Doug Jones now saying that he not only wants to work closely alongside President Trump, despite their differences, but that “It's time to move on from the allegations made against President Trump.”
While the majority of the virtue signaling leftists, the modern progressives, the actual Communists, and their cultural Marxist handlers and financiers are likely to be upset at Doug Jones lacking desire to continue to press forth with the fake allegations against the President of the United States of America, Doug Jones, while quite the flaming liberal, seemingly wants to work together to Make America Great Again, putting country before party.
Doug Jones appeared on several Sunday morning political commentary shows today, making his circuit across the arena in order to suggest that he both appreciated the President's kind remarks after his victory, and saying that he looks forward to working with him in the future.
Doug Jones, while on that circuit, said that he doesn’t think believe that President Trump should “resign at this point”, because as he stayed, the general public was well aware of the allegations made against President Trump before they voted to elect him, and obviously the people don't believe them based upon their support of the President of the United States of America.
He first appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, where he began to thank President Trump, and the voters of Alabama who turned out for him.
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The freshly elected Senator, Doug Jones, said, It doesn't matter what the issue is. There's always an opportunity to find common ground. I have just resisted trying to put labels on myself.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@GDouglasJones</a>: "I oppose the building of a wall. I think that's an expense that the taxpayers just don't have to incur, because I do think that you can increase border security without having to go to that incredible expense of building that wall." <a href=""></a></p>— Fox News (@FoxNews) <a href="">December 17, 2017</a></blockquote>
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He also stated that he doesn't support the building of a Wall, but mainly for the reasons of cost-effectiveness.
With the crucial vote of an additional GOP Senator, it seems highly unlikely at this point that a wall will be built between now and next year, when multiple seats once again go up for reelection during the midterms.
Right now the GOP is struggling to even put a victory notch in their belts at all, unless they can pass tax reform, otherwise, they'll have a year in with no major winning whatsoever.
The majority of the rollbacks of the Obama Era rulings and regulations have been accomplished by the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, via Executive Order, leaving the Republican Party holding onto their seats wishing to pass the “tax cut” plan they're offering.
“You know, Jake, where I am on that right now, is that those allegations were made before the election,” Jones said to CNN anchor Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union. “And so people had an opportunity to judge before that election. I think we need to move on and not get distracted by those issues. Let’s get on with the real issues that are facing the people of this country right now.”
In fairness to Doug Jones, despite the overwhelming evidence that there were many dirty tricks used in this election cycle, he's absolutely correct in the sense that what matters now is a future that we can build upon.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">And that my friends, is how Democrats roll. <a href=""></a></p>— Red Pill (@IWillRedPillYou) <a href="">December 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
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The allegations, are that while not exactly illegal in doing so, the<a href=""> Democratic Party definitely registered convicted felons </a>(expect much more of this in the future), and there is also video footage of Democrats bragging that they came from out of state to vote in the election.
Doug Jones clearly wants to move onward from those claims.
Whether or not that actually happens, outside of just rhetoric, is another story; as many of the rabid dinosaurs in his own party are seemingly focused on the ill-intentions of not working with President Trump, as we've repeatedly seen from both<a href=""> Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi</a>, who have threatened a government shutdown rather than agree with President Trump.
This also while Celebrity Democrats who supported Doug Jones, such as<a href="> Charles Barkley</a>, have insulted Alabama residents and Trump supporters repeatedly in general.
I guess time will tell how this plays out for Alabama, and America.
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>Please Drumpf! don't investigate voter fraud here in Alabama!