A fortnight ago, we warned you that another one of UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s trusted allies was in trouble. Senior UK Minister Mr. Damian Green (pictures with Prime Minister Theresa May) had apparently been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, or in this case with his browser on porn sites whilst in a parliamentary session.
Mr. Green, who voted to stay in the EU, was appointed as the first secretary of state, a post just underneath the Prime Minister itself, just six months ago<a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/13302-UK-Minister-who-Watched-Porn-in-Session-Yes-But-Others-As-Well"> in a bid to shore up May’s premiership following her disastrous bet on a June snap election that lost her party its majority in parliament. As from then, the Conservatives have had to rule with the help of the Northern Irish DUP</a>.
As it became known that Mr. Green had made misleading comments about pornography on computers in his parliamentary office, the Prime Minister, of course, had no choice but to force him out.
PM May released a statement, saying: “with deep regret and enduring gratitude for the contribution you have made over many years that I asked you to resign from the government and have accepted your resignation.”
In response, Mr. Green stated: “I regret that I’ve been asked to resign from the government following breaches of the Ministerial Code, for which I apologize.”
61-year-old political dinosaur Mr. Green, who had been a Tory backbencher for most of his life, stated that he did not download or view pornography on his parliamentary computers. He afterward added that it would have been better if he would have been more forthcoming about his statements after the story broke.
He is the fourth minister and most senior British politician to fall since Mrs. May’s re-election. The defense minister, Michael Fallon, quit last month. Her aid minister resigned a week later due to secretive meetings with Israeli officials. The minister for international trade resigned two weeks before Mr. Fallon after it became known that he had ordered his staff to buy sex toys for him.
Carry on chaps…