A Catholic priest in a New Albany church named Father James Csaszar killed himself Wednesday in Chicago. His suicide followed the discovery of "excessive and questionable text and telephone communications with a minor and potential misuse of church funds while serving as pastor of St. Rose Parish, New Lexington."
Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus put Csaszar on administrative leave November 7 according to a release from the diocese. The New Lexington Police were investigating Csaszar as well after the church turned over the evidence to them. The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation was also said to be investigating.
The church where Csaszar worked said they are shocked and saddened and asked for prayer for Csaszar. Really? You catch a guy in a compromised relationship with a child and we should feel bad for him and pray for him? This is just a classic example of how pedophilia is institutionalized to the point where it is business as usual for these guys.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus went on to say the usual and defend the priest accused of the disturbing crime saying, "In his years of priestly ministry Fr. Csaszar did many good things for the people that he served in his parish assignments."
Just recently, a disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law who ruined the lives of hundreds of innocent children by sheltering and moving pedophile priests caught abusing children to other cities and churches, died and even the current pope attended his funeral and prayed for him.
It's disgusting how deep the pedophilia is rooted that even the man at the top of the church is willing to preside over and provide respect to an evil incarnate such as Bernard Law.
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This article has a good point, how is it that people in general are accepting of how deeply rooted pedophilia is in the Catholic church that they are okay following a guy dressed like a wizard who holds ornate ceremonies and prays for evil, evil people like Bernard Law who ruined countless innocent lives? Wake up people.
Well, that's good news. Usually they just put them on paid administrative leave until they can find a new parish where no one knows they are a child molester so they can do it again…