A World War II veteran has been forced out of his own home after he found out it contained more than 1,000 times the safe levels of meth.
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/d2474fb8123b8cfc6d13cb8a5dafb5d2cf5ef5e67d803e8e1a5f64b9055bf88f.jpg" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: WFTS Tampa Bay</span>
91-year-old Glenn Rieben said he received a warm welcome from his neighbors but they also warned him about something the home sellers didn't.
"He just said ‘they cooked meth in there," Rieben explained. This coincided with a cough he developed after moving in and he decided to call a company to check the home.
The company issued a report showing the wipe residue test for methamphetamine in the home was 1,180 times the safe reporting limit, it turns out his neighbor was right.
"I sleep in the trailer just to keep out of here because the man that tested it, Dan, he said that he wouldn’t let his mother stay in this house. He said if I were you I wouldn’t be in here anymore and certainly not any more than you have to."
The discovery has forced the WWII veteran to live outside the home in an RV in his backyard to avoid the health risks of living in the meth-infested home.
"Last night got awful cold. I did come in here middle of the night," he said. When he is inside the home, Rieben wears a mask and tries to limit his exposure.
The company estimated a cleanup would cost more than $3,500 to deep clean the home and since he purchased the home "as is" there is nothing the bank will do to help.
Local media attempted to contact the company he purchased the home through, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, but could not reach anyone.
Currently, there is no law requiring a home to be tested for methamphetamine and it is solely the buyer's responsibility to purchase a $100 test kit online.
Rieben said, "It just seems to me they would’ve checked it. Seems to me they would’ve known about this meth before they started rebuilding the house. They put a new roof, new air conditioner, new floors."
"I was hoping they’d take the house back and if that’s not possible they should at least have it in shape to live in I mean I would think they would pay for the cleaning of it."
The residue left behind from meth is known to kill family pets and cause chronic illness in humans.
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Source: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/meth-lab-forces-wwii-veteran-out-of-his-home