By: Steve Dellar | 01-14-2018 | News
Photo credit: @victorkamang | Twitter

Video - NOKO Wants Girl Band ‘Moranbong’ To Perform At South Korean Winter Olympics`

I believe it is by now common knowledge that the North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un is one of a kind. With his never changing hairstyle, his set of microphones in front of every speech and his twitter war with President Trump at ever harsher levels, he seems like the last of the remaining funny dictators in fact. Mugabe in Zimbabwe is gone, so are Khadaffi in Libya and Mobutu in Congo.

All eyes on him he must have thought when he made clear what his demands were for North Korea to participate in the South Korean Winter Olympics.

The south, eager to please the north in order to get talks going, must be popping their eyes out at this latest request though. Rumour has it that President Kim Jung-Un would like to see his favourite girl band ‘Moranbong’ perform at the opening ceremony.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

To say that they are quite peculiar is an understatement. Dressed in army uniforms and wearing high heels, the 20 all-female performers were allegedly hand-picked by the ‘Supreme Leader’. This is possibly the reason that all they do is sing his praise and state how lucky they are to be living in the socialist paradise that, according to their songs, North Korea certainly is. Far from reality according to most reports, but what do they know.

Their greatest hits in Pyongyang include “Let’s study”, “My Country is the Best!” and “Let’s Support Our Supreme Commander with Arms.”

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We here at The Goldwater are of course open to all styles and are willing to consider anything new, but don’t know of the International Olympic Committee is ready for this.


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 16098 2018-01-14 : 17:36

When I saw 'The Interview' I thought those things were fantasy but it seems this is real.

Anonymous No. 16108 2018-01-14 : 23:56

The Jew interview was nothing more than kike propaganda. I think these brauds have more talent than any skank in the American Jew run pop scene.

Anonymous No. 16135 2018-01-15 : 09:00

If ELO and ABBA and the Beegees were combined into one all-female supergroup and that supergroup were dedicated to Pogumjari and Juche (or whatever Noko calls their undying devotion) you'd have Moranbong…

Anonymous No. 16141 2018-01-15 : 10:07

North korea best korea

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