Woody Allen, the Oscar-winning director is being accused of child molestation. That in itself is unfortunately nothing new. What is new is the amount of detail that has gone into the accusations, this time made by his own daughter.
For those of you that don’t know the whole backstory, Mr. Allen used to be in a long-term relationship with Ms. Mia Farrow back in the 1980s, having been married several times before.
Apart from having children of their own, the couple also adopted. A few years passed before Mr. Allen started ‘dating’ one of his adopted daughters, Soon Yi, and then started a new family with her.
The detail of the story is that Ms. Farrow found out about it when she discovered naked pictures of their ‘daughter’ in Mr. Allen’s belongings. Mr. Allen was 57 at the time, Soon Yi 21.
In that respect, it is safe to assume that there might be some truth in the stories of course.
This time around, and in light of the #MeToo accusations and the #TimesUp movement, it was his estranged daughter Dylan Farrow who shed new light on her time as a young girl living with Mr. Allen.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Full transcript of our report is available here: <a href="https://t.co/khZMx2RVyi">https://t.co/khZMx2RVyi</a></p>— CBS This Morning ❄️ (@CBSThisMorning) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSThisMorning/status/953972797155536896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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In a televised interview with CBS, the woman broke down in tears as she claimed that Mr. Allen sexually assaulted her as a seven-year-old girl: "With so much silence being broken by so many brave people against so many high-profile people, he's lying and he's been lying for so long."
According to Ms. Farrow, Mr. Allen took her to a small attic crawl space and instructed her to lay down on her stomach while he sat behind in the doorway and touched her private parts.
"He often asked me to get into bed with him when he had only his underwear on and sometimes when only I had my underwear on."
<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Over the past two weeks, several celebrities have voiced their support for Dylan Farrow, including Natalie Portman. <a href="https://t.co/WFKcFb2Y9G">https://t.co/WFKcFb2Y9G</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FarrowThisMorning?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FarrowThisMorning</a> <a href="https://t.co/XMrTb3JzWc">pic.twitter.com/XMrTb3JzWc</a></p>— CBS News (@CBSNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/953981553838829568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Mr. Allen has responded via his lawyer to the interview, saying that the allegations were never proven.
By the power(77) vested in me by GOD as His/Her Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 1.19.18 is JEW Woody Allen Judgment Day: you FAIL.
Sentence: Very bad luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul will not be reincarnated as human for 174 years just for your sins here (you have many more). When you are born-again as human, it will be under very hellish circumstances.
Note: You can repent, reverse your decision here, do many hours of verifiable community service, and petition this court for a retrial. GOD & the Christ are just & forgiving. However, 17.4 years of your reincarnation sentence is non-commutable and any contempt-of-court will result in an increased sentence.
I strongly recommend that you respect this Judgment.
- Brad(25) Watson(77), Miami
GOD's Judge of All(25) Humanity
How old was woody when he started using his woody with his adopted children?
Age 7 according to the UK SUN news.
He married his adopted daughter (18) Soon-Yi after having sex with her for a number of years.
An he says he's not a pedo?