By: Savannah Smith | 02-08-2018 | News
Photo credit: Credit: Lancaster City Bureau of Police

“Cartoonish” Sketch of Suspects Now Key in Solving Crimes for PA Police

Cartoonish sketches of suspects can apparently now solve crimes- that or the Pennsylvania police just got lucky as they were able to identify a theft suspect using a hand-drawn and cartoonish sketch given by a crime witness.

The Lancaster City Bureau of Police said that on January 30, a theft took place at a farmer’s market in Lancaster, PA when a man pretended to be the employee of one stand while the real worker was away. The theft took the day’s earnings from the business then left the area.

A witness drew an “amateurish and cartoonish” sketch of the suspect who was described as being between 30 to 40 years old, standing about 5 feet 4 inches, of petite build and appearing to be South American or Asian.

The sketch drawn by the witness even used mere black dots for the eyes, put in lines around the eyes and nose and one line for the mouth. The drawing also shows the suspect wearing a hat.

As strange things go or as luck would have it, however, one of the investigators recognized the suspect even just based on the “cartoonish” but “descriptive” sketch. The officer even remembered the suspect’s name, thanks to the “charm” of the sketch.

A photo array was next prepared and shown to the witness, who was easily able to recognize the suspect responsible for the theft. It was, after all, the face he drew from memory.

The police have identified the suspect on Wednesday as 44-year-old Hung Phuoc Nguyen. He has yet to be found, however. An arrest warrant has been issued for the at-large suspect.

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 17866 2018-02-08 : 14:01

so accurate !

Anonymous No. 17877 2018-02-08 : 15:20

Hahaha, way to go PA Police!

Proud German No. 17904 2018-02-08 : 21:50

Wow, Phil Collins has let himself go.

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