By: Steve Dellar | 02-19-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter @Hapoel4

UK Press: Opposition (Corbyn) Could Be PM If He Abandons Brexit

The UK is in shambles. Anyone not willing to admit that is living in the UK. The rest of the world sees a country leaving a big union, and choosing to be small rather than part of something big. With the US, Europe, China and India as the remaining super-blocs, please don’t argue about how being left as a nation of 55 million people rather than a bloc of 600 million is a good thing.

The pound has dropped 35% and the Conservatives have won and at the same time lost the last election. London is being held hostage by Northern Ireland who get £1billion for infrastructure in return for holding the government together.

Time for change you would say, but on the other side all you see is Jeremy Corbyn of Labour and he’s too left-wing for most older voters.

But now the influential Guardian and The Economist both seem to agree that should Mr Corbyn make it clear where his party stands on Brexit (and preferably abandoning it), he would gain the upper ground with most elder voters who think that the transition has so far been a disaster whilst the younger would stick to him no matter what.

The popular view in the Labour party is that the success of the Jeremy Corbyn election campaign (who did far better than anyone expected) was a combination of both his own campaigning brilliance and Theresa May’s spectacular series of own goals.

Now all he needs is a clear view on Brexit for his own party and the next title of Prime Minister is always his.


Twitter: #brexit #london #government #political #uk #unitedkingdom

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 18782 2018-02-19 : 06:57

Second referendum now !

Anonymous No. 18784 2018-02-19 : 07:04

Brexit means Brexit

Anonymous No. 18788 2018-02-19 : 07:52

you can check out anytime, but you can never leave.

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