Whereas we thought that 2017 would the absolute “annus horribillis” for US airlines, with the many reported case bringing scandal to them, it now appears 2018 is well underway to repeat that.
This week, Delta airlines came under fire from passenger for keeping them locked for nearly 12 miserable hours, according to a report.
Flight 2195 got delayed during Tuesday’s ice storm in Kansas City (just as multiple planes from Southwest, American and United did), and faced incredible social media criticism for its handling.
Passenger Ms Ann Ngo told the Kansas City star that “it was a s–tshow!”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ann Ngo waited on a <a href="https://twitter.com/Delta?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Delta</a> plane for just under 12 hours yesterday as an ice storm made for a hellish day at KCI <a href="https://t.co/tKFz8pml3H">pic.twitter.com/tKFz8pml3H</a></p>— Max Londberg (@MaxLondberg) <a href="https://twitter.com/MaxLondberg/status/966490994928648192?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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According to her tale, she sat on the plane from 6:30 am to about 6 pm all the time waiting for a final decision on what would happen next. Even though the plane was pulled back to the gate several times, in the end her flight got cancelled.
To make matters worse Delta delayed her same flight again the next day, forcing her to book yet one more flight which took off some 34 hours after her original should have.
For her troubles, she received a $100 voucher.
Delta apologized: “The significant amount of ice accumulation drove prolonged de-icing times, prompting some flights to return to the gate which in turn impacted wait times for arriving aircraft as Delta crews worked to clear departing aircraft of ice.”
“Delta has proactively reached out to customers and re-accommodated those affected on alternate flights.”
Twitter: #FridayMotivation #USA #QAnon #Delta #Maga
yep… I thought it was something like 4 hours. Doesn't look like anyone is on the plane, though, maybe they figured it was worth the risk
I agree from the pic it looks pretty empty. My experience tells me that the passengers were told that the flight might be cancelled but if the passengers wanted they could try to wait it out.
I have been on similar flights in the past and if you decide to deplane you cannot get back on if they clear it to depart. Security or something is the excuse I was given.
FAA Passenger Rights / Rules require flight departure in 3 hours, or Deplaning. IF the story is true Delta will take a BIG hit.