Attacks against the National Rifle Association continues with one political action committee putting up a billboard in Pensacola, Florida labeling the NRA as a “terrorist organization.”
The group behind the billboards is Mad Dog PAC and they are funding similar billboards across the country calling out GOP candidates and President Trump.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is Mad Dog PAC. This is what we do. Billboards. Anti Trump. Anti House TreasonWeasel. Anti NRA. chip in here to help out. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) <a href="">March 3, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
The Mad Dog PAC is a pro-Democrats PAC and their website uses the mantra “resisting one billboard at a time.” They solicit money from Americans to fund their campaigns on Trump’s impeachment, Democrats’ campaign to win back the House and Senate, and their fight to end what they call the “terrorism of NRA.”
Aside from billboard, the group’s campaign has also expanded to t-shirts, lawn signs, bumper stickers and others.
Such is not the first billboard to be erected in recent days related to calls for gun control following the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida. A Las Vegas billboard was recently vandalized to read “Shoot a school kid only $29.”
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Another one in Kentucky was vandalized to read, “Kill the NRA.”
NRA has become the most vilified organization in the country today following the tragic Parkland shooting with mainstream media and the Democrats attacking it without let-up, and businesses previously supporting it started abandoning the group. Despite all that, it has been revealed recently that since the Parkland shooting, NRA has gained nearly 500,000 new members. With membership fee pegged at $30 a year for the lowest tier, it means a lot of money for the much-maligned organization.
The Democrats introduced a bill last week that would ban 150 different guns if passed.
Related Coverage:
Twitter: #MAGA #USA #NRA #gunrights #guncontrol #QAnon
Between 2009-2017 The Left, Liberals, Socialists, Democrats & MSM were constantly falsely telling us how the abusive, run amuck Type A Police tyrants, would shoot anyone, especially Blacks.
Now the same Political groups and Media are on a Gun Control stampede and proposing to ban Citizen ownership and place the only guns in Police hands?
Would a Liberal care to explain this?
Liberal-Socialists and Democrats with their Drug Dealer Open Borders/Globalist agenda, have killed more US Citizens than Guns.
In fact Liberal-Socialists and Democrats worldwide have repeated these same results over and over.
Were not for patriots, you'd be a peasant with a short miserable life.