By: Steve Dellar | 03-11-2018 | News
Photo credit: Credit - Sputnik International and To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science

Pentagon Releases Footage Of F-18 Jet Tracking High Speed UFO (Video)

A newly released video of an unidentified flying object crossing over the Atlantic Ocean at incredible speeds has been released by the Pentagon. The audio clearly shows the excitement and unusualness of the highly trained pilots when they encounter the vehicle.

Mr Christopher Mellon, a former defense official in the George W. Bush and Clinton administrations wrote an op-ed about the three videos so far released by the Pentagon, stating that the observations by pilots and radar operators “appear to provide evidence of the existence of aircraft far superior to anything possessed by the United States or its allies” and therefore calls upon the US government to invest more in the research of these objects.

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The sensational two-minute clip was shot by a US Navy F/A 18 jet whilst flying at 25,000 feet. The military personnel onboard is clearly amazed, with the pilot (P) stating: “Whoaw, got it. What the f— is that thing?”

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The jet’s weapons systems officer (WS) the replies: “Did you box a moving target?

P: “No, it’s in autotrack.”

WS: “Ah, ok.”

P: Oh my gosh dude!”

WS: “Wauw, what is that man.”

P: “Look at that thing flying.”

The Pentagon did not provide further details other than that the video was shot off the US East Coast in 2015. The private company that obtained the declassified footage says it did so through a Freedom of Information Act request.


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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 20329 2018-03-11 : 14:40

The pilot went literally AYY LMAO!

Anonymous No. 20340 2018-03-11 : 17:06

It's probably tracking a surface missle or high speed large projectile. The pilots are more excited to get a lock on a small fast moving object, as it was by chance he boxed that object due to size and speed.

Anonymous No. 20342 2018-03-11 : 17:29


Anonymous No. 20365 2018-03-11 : 21:58

The military is finally releasing this stuff - good decision.

Anonymous No. 20490 2018-03-13 : 13:01

"Experts" meaning young pilots that know a lot about F18 Super Hornets. I worked with these folks in my military career. They aren't infallible. Ok ,something flying fast and straight over the ocean. Not really all that incredible, and why now do we start to see these low-grade releases?

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