By: Philip | 03-12-2018 | News
Photo credit: Credit: Twitter | @Lauren_Southern

Conservatives Not Welcome In The UK?

Conservative journalist and activist Brittany Pettibone was just released by the British government and now Lauren Southern is being detained for distributing "racist material." The racist material in question is related to the immigration issues in England and elsewhere in Europe and North America. Southern is currently detained in Calais and being barred from entering the country. Katie Hopkins, former star of The Apprentice, has taken to Twitter exclaiming that Home Secretary Amber Rudd was siding with Luton Islamists.

There is no doubt that England has had its fair share of Islamist treachery, from roving grooming gangs kidnapping underage girls to bombings, acid attacks and car attacks, England has been site of a plethora of horrors related to extremist, jihadist Islam. Islam, like Christianity or any other religion, isn't evil in and of itself, but like Christianity or any other religion, it can be a powerful tool that if misused can result in atrocities.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">UPDATE: Looks like the border police aren’t allowing <a href="">@Lauren_Southern</a> to enter the U.K. by bus. Does this mean conservatives are no longer welcome in the U.K.? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) <a href="">March 12, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Southern is reportedly being detained and investigated by police for her connection to Brittany Pettibone and English Defence League's Tommy Robinson. According to Southern and the site, she is detained under the schedule 7 (terrorism) act. Considering the fact that many times the roving rape gangs and terrorists are not investigated due to the police fearing being considered "racist" and "profiling" it seems utterly ridiculous that Southern is being investigated for terrorism for pointing out this problem.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">What are you most likely to get arrested for in the UK?<br><br>Being a member of a Muslim Child sex grooming gang? <br><br>Or<br><br>Protesting about Muslim child sex grooming gangs?</p>&mdash; Right White Sock (@rightwhitesock) <a href="">March 11, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Hopkins shared the following with her Twitter audience and the world:

<blockquote>"Dear AmberRudd - you have detained Lauren Southern in Calais and prevented her from entering the U.K. She is a Christian Conservative. You have sided with the Islamists of Luton. You need to make better decisions ma'am."</blockquote>

This wouldn't be the first time Southern had found herself in hot water for her political opinions. What strikes me as somewhat odd is that a couple generations ago in the mid to late 60's people were being denied entry into the UK and other countries for being too radically leftist. My how the times have changed and the tides turned.


Twitter: #LaurenSouthern #BrittanyPettibone

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 20414 2018-03-12 : 13:43

She gets locked up under the guise of terrorism when she's the one exposing the terror!

The libs don't see it and sadly it's going to take them or their loved ones victimized by those animals to wake up. But it will be to late by the time enough of them wake up.

anonymous 2 No. 20427 2018-03-12 : 16:40

Wonder how the Queen will look like in a burka? If England doesn't wake up, these muslim savages will continue to take over the whole damn country! These savages are not a race, they are supposed to be a religion but actually are an evil cult. Your PC stupidity will overthrow your gov't & your country.

You fought so hard to keep the Nazi's out, why can't you fight to keep these Fascist's out.

If you don't round them up & ship them back, they will behead & rape you, your women & your children. This is a war, you are losing! FOOLS!!

Anonymous No. 20437 2018-03-12 : 19:05

Customs Agent: Anything to declare?

Cousin Avi: Yeah, don’t go ta London!

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