By: Philip | 03-12-2018 | News
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Feminists Lob Insults And Death Threats At Female eSports Announcer

Women should be respected and treated with common human decency and at least basic civility. Come to think of it, all people should deserve that until they've proved themselves unworthy through their own actions. Be careful where you are when you claim that all people deserve respect though, and whatever you do, don't do it during March (Women's month).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yep, this is what happens when you stand against the narrative. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="">March 12, 2018</a></blockquote>

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March 8th was International Women's Day and female video game journalist, Soe Gschwind Penski made the unfortunate error of bringing up the fact that equality should mean everyone is treated equally regardless of race or gender. Evidently, that was the wrong thing to say because the death threats are still piling up. That's right, if you'll notice, men's rights activists are considered misogynist women-hating pigs, but find a moderate feminist or egalitarian like Laci Green or Cassie Jaye and you'll notice that all of a sudden the taboo against threatening women with violence melts away. In fact, this is the one case where male feminists are allowed to dogpile a woman, insult her intelligence and lob threats and insults to purge themselves of all their own repressed issues with the fairer sex.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">And here&#39;s <a href="">@Cassie_Jaye</a> talking about how David Futrelle (creator of WHTM) waged a smear campaign against her:<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Actual Liberal (@ActualLib) <a href="">November 3, 2017</a></blockquote>

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And what was it she said to earn such vitriol?

<blockquote>“a special shoutout to all the men in our lives who have supported us, gave us a voice when we had none, fought for our cause and treated us the way we all ought to treat each other…like a fellow human being - no race, no gender.”</blockquote>

So expressing thanks to men who are supportive of women makes you a worthy target for abuse? I mean, sounds like transference of some major internalized misogyny on the part of some mainstream feminists, but ok…

Speaking of internalized misogyny, of course, that's one thing she was accused of.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ive gotten death threats and hundreds of hate messages the past 20 minutes because I thanked men for treating me as their equal, on a day which is all about womens struggle for equality. Hate, because I am grateful for the men in our lives who fight alongside us for our rights…</p>&mdash; Soe Gschwind-Penski (@Soembie) <a href="">March 8, 2018</a></blockquote>

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“Ive gotten death threats and hundreds of hate messages the past 20 minutes because I thanked men for treating me as their equal, on a day which is all about womens struggle for equality,” Gschwind-Penski posted. “Hate, because I am grateful for the men in our lives who fight alongside us for our rights.”

She added: “[D]id I offend you by treating ALL genders equal and thank humans for treating each other the way they should? Believe it or not but women are not the only ones fighting for equality.”

The real irony here? When a woman is "being a feminist wrong" evidently mansplaining is perfectly ok. For instance, Dave Futrelle calling out Cassie Jaye or Prime Minister Trudeau explaining to a young feminist woman that she should use "peoplekind" instead of mankind.


Twitter: #feminism #esports #InternationalWomensDay #overwatch

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Bob Cobb No. 20425 2018-03-12 : 16:19

How progressive.

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