By: Steve Dellar | 03-18-2018 | News
Photo credit: - Twitter @Fidesz

Hungary: Orban Warns Of ‘Muslim Invasion’ And ‘Soros’ (Video)

In Hungary, opposition party leader Ms Bernadett Szel has seen her face on every street awaiting next month elections on 8 April.

The poster is not paid for by her own party though. It is a doctored image where she is holding a pair of wire cutters able to cut through a fence so ‘immigrants’ can enter Hungary.

She is pictured together with some other members of the opposition. In the middle stands their ‘mecenas’ or ‘the money guy’ if you will: Mr George Soros.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PM <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Orbán</a> clearly threatens the opposition 24 days before the general election. Hungarian opposition is called to unite &amp; form an electoral alliance VS <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Fidesz</a> more than ever before. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hungary</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Balazs Csekö (@balazscseko) <a href="">March 16, 2018</a></blockquote>

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According to Mr Orban’s supporters, all opposition members who helped refugees through Soros’ NGO are ‘traitors’ and the doctored image of them cutting through the wire is a very real fear they hold. One of the ‘Muslim invaders’ coming to replace their ‘Christian values’.

Ms Bernadett Szel stated in response that: “It’s the good old method of the Frankenstein monster. You create an enemy then tell people that only you can protect them from this enemy.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="pl" dir="ltr">Nowa kampania Orbana<br>Ferenc Gyurcsany - b. postkomunistyczny premier <br>Gergely Karacsony - przewodniczący Dialogu na rzecz Węgier, burmistrz Zuglo (dzielnicy Budapesztu)<br>Bernadett Szel - przewodnicząca partii Polityka Może Być Inna<br>Gabor Vona - założyciel i przewodniczący Jobbiku <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Adam Gwiazda (@delestoile) <a href="">March 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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It is this method that Mr Orban aims to use in order to be re-elected for a third term next month, and probably rightfully a good method as his party Fidesz is currently polling in more votes than all the others combined.

Mr Orban started his re-election campaign in front of an ecstatic crowd last week of 100,000 people who had gathered in central Budapest. He said to them: “We sent home the Ottoman sultan with his army, the Habs­burg Kaiser with his raiders and the Soviets with their comrades,” before referring to the Soros part of the speech, “now we will send home Uncle George.”

If re-elected, Mr Orban has vowed to pass legislation which would make it harder for Mr Soros’ NGO to operate in Hungary. The prime minister has therefore entitled the bill the “Stop Soros” law.


Twitter: #QAnon #Trump #Brexit #Hungary #USA #GOP #Soros #Orban

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2 Comment/s
jb6177 No. 20883 2018-03-19 : 01:00

God bless you Mr Organ, for having the courage to stand up to theses EVIL forces. Your country is fortunate to have such a great leader. As are we in the USA.



Anonymous No. 20895 2018-03-19 : 04:41

Go Hungary!! Stay strong

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