By: Philip | 03-24-2018 | News
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Arnaldo Lerma Autopsy Completed, Wife Gina Sugerman Raising Funds For Medical Expenses

Arnaldo Lerma, noted Scientology critic and cult deprogrammer, died last week apparently of suicide after shooting his, then wife, Gina Sugerman in the face with a 9mm. Arnie's son, Joseph Lerma, <a href="">had been attmepting to raise money</a> through an online fundraiser in order to pay for his father's autopsy:

<blockquote>All funds will be spent making sure than Arnie Lerma gets the due process owed to him after years devoted to helping others, the coroner requested an autopsy be done but the gbi crime lab will not pay if the cause of death looks like a suicide and the bullet leaves an exit wound. This means that to have the autopsy done I must pay for this privately and do everything in my power to keep him from being cremated before this is finished.</blockquote>

<a href=""The GoFundMe fundraiser</a> was updated yesterday.

<blockquote>After many hours spent with a lawyer in order to get Arnie's autopsy done, we were still waiting on Ginger to sign off on the autopsy being performed, we had papers drawn up but Ginger was hesitant to sign. The county coroner and local police pled their case to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations crime lab. They have decided to move forward with an official autopsy on Arnie Lerma. A huge thank you to all who donated so far. But this fight is not over.</blockquote>

Ginger Sugerman also has a GoFundMe fundraiser to help pay for medical expenses including at least three surgeries she will need as well as extensive dental work and for Arnie's cremation. According to an update a few hours ago from Ginger's GoFundMe the autopsy was signed over and completed.

<blockquote>Arnies Autopsy was signed by me immediately when requested by the Corner. It came back with the truth, destructive rumors are being spread by others who should focus on peace-love and Arnie. Not drama and evil intentions. With all your help I have paid fully for his Cremation, Services and an attorney to go to court with. The others involved hired one so I was force to do so. Now any donations will go towards Medical and Dental. OXOXOXOX to you al from Arnie and Ginger</blockquote>

Very little information currently is available about the situation apart from an article by Tony Ortega, another noted Scientology watchdog activist, but according to a local paper from Sylvania, Georgia the investigation was ongoing.

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Anonymous No. 21388 2018-03-24 : 18:24

hate to admit it, but there's issues with the timeline on this. too many inconsistencies, i'd like to SEE the autopsy results myself. was it sylvania georgeia county coroner?

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