By: Kyle James | 04-04-2018 | News
Photo credit: Rich Pedroncelli

California Wants To Limit When Police Officers Can Shoot

The family of Stephon Clark and several lawmakers proposed Tuesday that California become the first state to drastically restrict when a police officer can fire their weapon. The proposed legislation would change the standard from using "reasonable force" to "necessary force" and would mean officers would only be allowed to shoot if "there were no other reasonable alternatives to the use of deadly force."

Lizzie Buchen, a legislative advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union, is one of the advocates behind the legislation. "We need to ensure that our state policy governing the use of deadly force stresses the sanctity of human life and is only used when necessary," said Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a San Diego Democrat who proposed the bill. "Deadly force can be used, but only when it is completely necessary."

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That is very easy to say when you aren't the one is constantly facing the worst of the worst the society has to offer and whether you live or die and get to go home to your loved ones comes down to a split second decision based on only the information available. It's always easy to criticize police after the fact and say how they should have known he didn't have a gun.

The idea that they think by changing the definition from "reasonable" to "necessary" is redundant. If you think police go to work every day hoping for a chance to kill someone that's just not the case. It doesn't work that way yet someone who has never been in a life or death situation as an LEO wouldn't know that. Usually, the only shootings media brings attention to are the ones where innocent people are killed.

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The reality is that when an innocent person is killed by police, it is the exception rather than the rule, most police shootings are justified and come down to saving lives. If you have only been exposed to the shootings touted by the mainstream media, take a look at the other side of the coin in the video above taken from a Sacramento Police officer body camera.

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The Peace Officers Research Association of California released a statement in response to the legislation Tuesday calling the proposed changes a "dangerous rush to judgment." Police already have an impossible decision to make when it comes to using deadly force and people who have no idea what it's like to be in the field in life and death situations dictating legislation to limit police is only going to result in more cops being killed.

"We are concerned that this reactionary legislation will handcuff peace officers and their abilities to keep communities safe," PORAC said in the statement. "Uses of force incidents occur quickly, and while we have always supported greater training and body cameras, this legislation takes a dangerous new step."

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 22286 2018-04-04 : 11:34

When it comes to Police Shooting Criminals I agree with shooting the A-Hole ANY time the A-Hole actively poses a physical deadly threat to those around Him/Her or IT.

Has ANY Weapon, material or device in hand that could or would kill or harm others.

Yes I could support shooting even a Fleeing ARMED Robber / Terrorist and or a person having just committed a physically heinous crime that has harmed Anyone because they are likely to do it again and pose a continue threat to society and those around them.

Anonymous No. 22289 2018-04-04 : 12:17

Police kill more people in California than any other state, according to the ACLU.




Police Shooting have taken a drastically DOWN turn since TRUMP took Office in Jan 2017.

Under Obama and the Liberal Socialists it seemed they were trying to the start a BLM - Police Race War.

WIKI shows

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2018 (listed: 76)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2017 (listed: 124)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2016 (listed: 197)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2015 (listed: 847)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2014 (listed: 633)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2013 (listed: 344)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2012 (listed: 609)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2011 (listed: 173)

List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2010 (listed: 297)


then where were these Run to the Mic and Camera Liberals & Socialists during Obama years?

Why were they so QUITE during Obama's years, when the Kill count was reportedly higher?

Was it because they edged on the Racial unrest for election purposes? (Martin,Ferguson, Promoted BLM Police assassinations and etc…

All just in time for Elections.

If you are interested in the current restriction in California for Deadly Force Google the California DOJ 2015 current manual. and Read section 300.3 DEADLY FORCE APPLICATIONS

Anonymous No. 22302 2018-04-04 : 14:28

I think its becoming pretty obvious that CA is being controlled by a small group with $$ and connections to media/politicians as a lot of the adult citizenry does not agree with this liberal stance now the youngsters are another problem as they feed of social media. Social media is being proven to be biased and can control the narrative via their algorithms.

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