Kimba Wood has made waves naming Sean Hannity as a client in the case related to President Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen. Many have suggested that the situation constitutes a violation of attorney-client privacy, but federal judge Kimba Wood argues that isn't the case here. Some background about Kimba has made some folks concerned about her ability to be unbiased in this case.
Kimba has <a href="">close connections to the Clintons</a>. When Bill Clinton was first elected in 1992, Hillary Clinton interviewed Wood twice as long as Bill spent interviewing his prospective chief legal officer. Washington Post reported that at that time Wood was “unfamiliar with criminal law and lacked any courtroom lawyer experience before being named to the bench in 1988.” The same article pointed out her friendship with Susan Thomases "a Hillary Clinton confidante who works hard to keep Bill Clinton on the left."
Judge Wood also was involved in a <a href="">spy swap deal in 2010</a> involving ten suspected Russian secret agents. What's more, she was also the officiant at the 2013 wedding of George Soros before "a select group of friends and family." It is Wood who ordered Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to state the names of his clients on the record. Cohen will be allowed to review the materials seized during the FBI raid of his home, office and hotel room.
Judge Wood has declined Cohen's request to have an independent arbiter review the documents and records. She has not yet given prosecutors the chance to have an independent team of investigators review the seized material either.
"I'm denying the motion for a (temporary restraining order) because it's currently moot. The government is not accessing anything. With respect to a preliminary injunction, that, I think, is premature at this point. We have to wait and see what the volume is and how you can argue."
Cohen's lawyers are calling the raid "completely unprecedented" and the Clinton and Soros connections of Judge Wood help fan the flames of suspicion.
There is very little doubt about that. And with the huge Soros purse to support her, she will become an Annihilator, not a law keeper. And with Soros support and probably huge financial kickback for keeping the Soros aims more effective, and Dem/Lib known ethic of corruption where a corrupt end justifies any
corrupt means, as with anything with huge funds available, anything could happen. G Soros hag equally huge plans for the poor beaten up planet we live on. all another reason that Soros must be reined in to prevent more damage filling his corrupt dreams…
The answer is yes.